FOAB Information

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Say A Prayer For Atheism

When a child reaches aged 7 or 8 he or she rightly questions the idea of Father Christmas and the parents face the inevitable question 'Is Santa real?' and they reluctantly admit that it is all made up and there is no Santa.
It is about the same age when a child has the mental capacity to question God but parents of a religious bent will not draw a line under the religion idea, they keep it going and with Churches and priests and vicars, the idea is enforced and the child grows up into an adult with the idea that God made the Universe and everything in it and after years of indoctrination, their belief is unshakable despite having no evidence whatsoever to back up their beliefs.
As we progress and evolve, Religion has been sliding away as more people reject the idea of a creator but that trend could be reversed according to the professor of genetics at University College London, Steve Jones who believes that population decline in sceptical countries combined with population growth in religious countries could see a resurgence of Christianity and leave sceptics in a minority.
As religion has been the cause of more wars and deaths than any other cause, we can only hope that more people make the realisation that the stories of God and Santa Claus should be treated the same and left behind before a persons age reaches double digits.


  1. People were killing each other because of religion with whichever technology was available at the time and will continue to do. From a pointed stick to a H-bomb, they will use whatever they can because they believe their god is better than the other persons god.

  2. List of wars Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Pol Pot started in the name of atheism please. If you can provide the names of the leaders or countries they fought against it would be very handy.
