FOAB Information

Sunday 11 May 2014

Why Mrs Obama And Not Her Husband?

Yes it was nice of Michelle Obama to go on television and give her sympathies for the 267 girls who have been kidnapped in Nigeria and yes any effort to save these girls is to be encouraged and applauded.
Not sure why Obama's non-elected wife is the one speaking about it though, she may hold the position of First lady but she is only there because of who she was married to, not for anything she said or did and as far as i am aware the wife of the president can't do any more than hold up a bit of paper with some text on it.
Maybe her husband couldn't speak about the heartbreak and outrage of missing children when he has been responsible for so many more dead and dying children, women and men in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq courtesy of his drones.
Maybe Michelle doesn't see her daughters in the innocent children her husband kills in these places or the kids murdered in Syria by terrorists using US supplied weapons?
Looking suitably concerned, she even asked for us to pray for them so would that be the praying to the same God that Boko Haram leader told us was the one who instructed him to kidnap and sale the girls in the first place?
Hardly tactful to bring religious beliefs into it when once again it was religious beliefs that got us into it.
Surely a case of thank you for your concern Michelle and nice handwriting but how about you leave the business of politics to the politicians who can do a bit more than hold up a bit of paper and look misty eyed into a camera.
Someone more cynical would think this is less about missing schoolgirls in Nigeria and more of a chance taken to lift her profile.


  1. That would be cynical.

    The obama's like most Americans think Jesus is the savior not Mohammed. So bringing in Jesus is the thing to do.

    The first spouse often engages in matters of women's rights, freedom of religion, and such.


  2. Because the Jesus v Mohammed thing has worked so well previously?

  3. Actually the whole religion thing is very difficult to understand but not my decision. I can only show you where the library is, i can't make you read the books as the saying goes.

  4. since you say it that way, then ok you are smarter than me... but i won't admit it again.

    it is not smart for me to be mean to the only person that reads my blog. so, there is the proof in the puddin.


  5. I am not smarter than you and you are not smarter than me, we are both good at different things and awful at other things (i'm awful at maths, you are good at maths) but it doesn't make anyone 'smarter'.
