FOAB Information

Wednesday 2 July 2014

America Raises Bar In Mad Gun Laws

When we look across the Atlantic Ocean we see America, the land of the free and the home of some of the loopiest gun laws and just when you think they can't get any loopier, they take it up a notch.
This time it's Georgia and the 'Guns Everywhere Law' and as our media does like to have a chuckle at the mad Americano's who put the second amendment above everything else, it seems that they didn't have to go far as the local fruitcakes were only too willing to be put on show.
First up was a middle aged man in a baseball cap and wearing a 'Guns Saves Lives' badge who proclaimed the new laws that allow guns in bars, nightclubs, libraries and even churches as 'a victory for the second amendment rights', rights that he proudly boasted where 'given to us by God'.
When challenged that during the Afghan and Iraq wars, Georgia saw over twice as many people killed by guns than in combat, another gun nut called Bob ignored the question and explained that his motto was 'If you see me with pants on, my pistol's in my pants'.
Some people may well say that he hasn't got much else in his pants hence the fascination with guns but i prefer to be kinder and say the empty space was between his ears hence the fascination with guns.
It's their country, they can make as many doolaly laws as they like and all the time the rest of us will ask why the nation with the most gun violence, school shootings, spree shootings and mental illness legally allow weapons, into nightclubs, libraries and churches and how long before we hear of the fiction section of a Georgian library being shot up.


  1. Since when has the frequency with which something has appeared on the news been an accurate report of often it happens compared to unreported things? Is it now wise to make policy based on how often something shows up on the news?

  2. I'm not sure what you are saying. Do you mean that although we keep hearing about gun violence and school shootings etc, they don't actually often that often so it shouldn't stop gun laws like this being passed?

  3. Must be an American thing q as i'm still not sure what Nog means.
