FOAB Information

Monday 28 July 2014

We're All Going On A Summer Holiday

In the UK during August the 'On Holiday' signs go up all over the country as we sail, fly and drive to all four corners of the globe before coming back in September to plan and count down to our Christmas get-away.
Last year over a billion people travelled to another country, generating £1.4 trillion for the tourist industry with the most people coming to Europe with 563 million tourists filling the continent with France the number one destination with 83 million international tourists followed by Spain and then Italy. The United Kingdom entertained 29 million, the sixth most popular destination in Europe.  
The second most popular destination was Asia and 248 million tourists with China taking top spot with 57 million tourists and then the Americas taking 168 million and United States with 66 million tourists turning up at their shores, two thirds more than the next most popular destination Mexico.
With 56 million people holidaying in Africa, Morocco top destination in that continent, and 52m in the Middle East with Saudi Arabia that regions top draw, that is a lot of people moving around.
As for me, i will be hanging my own sign on the blog for most of August but as i will try to make use of the delayed post feature so it isn't just sitting here growing weeds for three weeks if i can find a theme, i'm thinking a 'on this day in history' theme with a twist but will see if i can get enough juice out of it for three weeks.

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