FOAB Information

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Aug 6 1945 - Atom Bomb dropped on Hiroshima

A post taking real life incidents from this day in history and my view of them as if they were happening today and what my honest view would have been then on that day ignoring hindsight or knowledge of how it ended.

Such is the overwhelming relief and jubilation that the killing fields of Europe have fallen silent, we can forget that the fighting continues in the Pacific.
The news is that Japan are negotiating with the Soviets regarding an end to the fighting which makes it even more shocking that America have not only developed a weapon of mass destruction like the Atomic bomb, but used it today on the heavily populated city of Hiroshima.
Initial reports are of tens of thousands of deaths but this was a civilian city with a population of 350,000 so the death toll is expected to raise alarmingly.
While tales of Japanese brutality and mistreatment of prisoners is widely known, why America chose a civilian city with no military significance and why the weapon was not used against a military target is open to speculation.
They did not even need to slay so many innocent people, a show of strength on one of the uninhabited islands with a warning that this could be one of your cities next time would have achieved the same reaction from the Japanese if this was their aim.
To drop such a horrific weapon and kill so many civilians when the Japanese were negotiating an end to hostilities stinks of America wanting to impress the Soviets, to lay down a marker that they are the top dogs now and they have the Atomic Bomb to prove it.    
The only silver lining is that the devastating accounts coming from Hiroshima is so shocking and the death toll so huge, that hopefully, nobody will ever be reckless enough to use them ever again.


  1. It's war so people die whether its 14 or 140,000. I rather there wasnt war but if there is one i would much rather we had it and use it then them have it and use it on us.

  2. The greatest crime against humanity in history

  3. How would it remembered if Japanese or German would have dropped a pair of atom bombs over two USA cities?
