FOAB Information

Friday 8 August 2014

Aug 8 1955 - Fidel Castro forms July 26th Movement

A post taking real life incidents from this day in history and my view of them as if they were happening today and what my honest view would have been then on that day ignoring hindsight or knowledge of how it ended.

Luckily not too many leaders take the Fulgencio Batista views of elections, which is when you are about to lose one, you lead a military coup and declare yourself El Presidente.
Just as fortunate is that not many follow the Batista's corrupt business practises of ruling his countrymen by negotiating lucrative contracts with the mafia to run drug, gambling and prostitution businesses.
Throw in torture, public executions and a death toll of up to 20,000 Cubans, Batista is not what you would call a benevolent leader.
On the horizon though, through the throng of anti-Batista demonstrations and student riots is a group of bearded rebels led by Fidel Castro with a plan to overthrow the dictator and who call themselves the '26th of July Movement'.
Not the most inspirational name i agree but the two Castro brothers (Fidel and Raul) and 80 of their closest friends are determined to form a guerrilla force to overthrow the corrupt and murderous Batista and instill their own Socialist Revolution.
As feeling is running high against Batista, it may be a case of the Castro's having to move quick before someone else forcibly deposes him but between know and then, i would suggest giving the name another go.

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