FOAB Information

Saturday 13 September 2014

Judge Wrong In Pistorius Verdict

The only thing worse than an idiot who owns a gun is an idiot who then uses that gun to kill someone so how the South African judge has ruled that Oscar Pistorius did not murder his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, is quite rightly facing criticism.
Although the Paralympian faces a charge of culpable homicide which is the South African equivalent of manslaughter, rather than a long stretch in jail his punishment now ranges from fifteen years imprisonment to a fine with five years being considered the sentence he faces according to experts in South African law.
Steenkamp died in a small toilet cubicle when Pistorius shot her four times through the locked door just with hollow tipped bullets which opened and mushroomed on impact, tearing through her flesh and killing her almost instantly.
He claims he mistook her for an intruder, a version that the judge has obviously accepted, but the fact remains that he shot and killed a person regardless of who it was and far be it from accident, he had someone inside a locked bathroom and was outside armed and rather than call police or security, he took the option of shooting to kill.  
Martin Hood, an attorney specialising in firearms offences, said: 'There has been a widespread expression of outrage across the board. There are many people in the legal profession who believe she got it wrong.
It has met with a lot of disappointment in the court of public opinion, including on the part of gun owners. I would be bitterly disappointed and angry if I was Reeva Steenkamp's family'.
Anyone with a bit of sense knows that pointing a gun and shooting it four times with those type of bullets which cause maximum carnage, that is not an accident, it's murder because you intended to kill.
'This verdict is not justice for Reeva' said her mother, June Steenkamp and she is right, it is not any kind of justice whatsoever.

1 comment:

  1. He lived in a gated community with a security guard close enough to hear screams and then the gun shots so would have been a few minutes wait if that.
