FOAB Information

Tuesday 2 September 2014

No Sex Talk, We're British

Former Miss Belgium and presenter of the country's 'The Weakest Link' shows has washed up on our shores with a mission to change the way sex education is handled in Britain as apparently we are 'hopelessly out of date' and 'too prudish'.
Anyone who has ever been to countries such as the Netherlands or Sweden have seen how other countries have a more liberal and open attitude to sex than the British but i don't rate her chances much because the sex talk in Britain has never got above the Frankie Howard 'Titter ye not' stage and we all turn into 7 year olds when those parts of the body that are usually out of sight are mentioned.
When i went to school, sex education consisted of photocopied anatomy pictures and a short film of various zoo animals doing the act, including Kangeroos. I was never able to watch Skippy the same way ever again after that.
Anyway, a Belgian is coming to teach us all about the 'mechanics of sex' which i guess involves spanners and a set of Allen keys.
Strange folks these Belgians!

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