FOAB Information

Sunday 28 September 2014

Ryder Cup: Europe 16½ - 11½ USA

While nobody likes a sore loser, nobody likes an ungracious winner either so being gracious in victory it's well done to Europe on winning the Ryder Cup and well played and unlucky to the unfortunate USA who played well but didn't have the run of the green over the 3 days.
The more ungracious European bloggers may go the well worn traditional way of rubbing it in the Americans faces by doing the usual naming of famous Americans and ending it with 'you boys took a hell of a beating' but that's just crass and not called for.
There really is no need, for example, to write ' John F. Kennedy, Dolly Parton, Tom Cruise, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Elvis Presley, George Washington, George W Bush, Thomas Jefferson, Bob Dylan, Ronald Reagan, Stephen King, Clint Eastwood, Eminem, Marily Monroe, Dixieland, Hillary Clinton, Tom Hanks, Madonna, Bill Clinton, Jamie Hyneman, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Venus Williams, Benjamin Franklin and Al Gore...Your guys took one hell of a beating!!
Instead, let us applaud our opponents and who came all this way to entertain us with their loud shirts and amusing way of saying 'aluminium' and route' and return to their side of the Atlantic to work on their strategy for next time.
The USA captain, Tom Watson, put the defeat down to poor driving by the American team and although i admit that those little buggy's can be difficult to control, i think it was more down to the rubbish golf they played but what do i know.

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