FOAB Information

Thursday 16 October 2014

Ched Evans Return To Football

Judy Finnigan has sparked a debate on the future in football of Ched Evans, a player currently due for release in the next few days after serving his sentence for rape.
Judy's opinion was that this wasn’t a 'violent' rape, it was in a hotel room and the victim had been drinking and that Evans has 'served his time' and should be allowed to get back to his job, playing football.
Finnigan has since apologised unreservedly for these comments, saying they were badly worded and that's quite right, she seemed to be implying that because the victim had been drinking and the rape wasn't violent and happened in a hotel room, it was somehow not so bad on some sort of Finnegan sliding scale of rape ordeals.
Of course this is absurd, rape is rape a life changing traumatic ordeal whether it takes place in a comfortable hotel room or in an alley and whether violence was used or not.
Putting aside the start of her bizarre and unhelpful comments, she does have a point about someone having done a crime, served their time and when they come out they should be able to continue with their lives without being punished forever.
Yes he is a nasty, odious piece of work, but he has served his time and he does have the right to work again in his professional sphere which just happens to be football.
Whether the football fans of whatever club takes him on, if they do, or the fans of clubs he plays against will allow him is another thing and the abhorrent Ched Evans has nobody to blame but himself for that.

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