FOAB Information

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Gamergater Nerds

I did find the idea of hundreds of angry game playing nerds quite funny and now they have joined forces, called themselves Gamergaters and launched a crusade to rid the gaming world of the one thing that will always be out of their reach, females.
It all began after Zoe Quinn began trying to publish a text based game called Depression Quest which so outraged the gaming community because it isn't a real game, that they stopped fondling their joysticks long enough to harass Zoe by posting her address and home phone number and forcing her out of her home.
Not content with their work so far and spurred on by their victory, they have now set about cleaning up gaming journalism and describe themselves as a victimised demographic and have contacted advertisers on gaming websites that write less than complimentary things about gamers, they particularly dislike the description that they are angry, young, white males. 
So outraged where they that they created a female character called Vivian James as some sort of protest and in the time honoured tradition of pasty faced teenagers, the gaming boards filled up with angry, young white males at the bottom of the social pecking order fantasising about having sex with her.
The internet is one of the most widest channels to broadcast views with a degree of anonymity that has ever existed and is therefore bound to attract imbeciles of all types, it is just that this latest bunch are angry white males who are probably still living at home and who's only interaction with females is through video games and internet porn so they should be pitied because to quote someone famous, being attacked by them must be like being savaged by a dead sheep.
Probably the best way to repel them would have been for Zoe Quinn to have turned up on their doorstep, they would have ran a mile if a female actually tried to speak to the socially backward Gamergaters who's sex life seems to comprise of doing it with a cartoon they drew.

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