FOAB Information

Friday 31 October 2014

Pre-Inquiry Bad Smell

To lose one inquiry head is unfortunate but to then replace them with someone else with even closer links to those being inquired into smells of something much more rotten.
The inquiry was set up to look at how public bodies dealt with historic allegations of child sex abuse, following claims about paedophile's in powerful political positions in the 80s and 90s and establishment attempts to cover up their depraved actions.
First up was Lady Butler-Sloss who was forced to step down in July because her late brother, Lord Havers,was attorney general during the period when many of the alleged offences are said to have taken place.
The Home Office then turned to Woolf who in turn has been forced out by the victims groups after it
emerged that she was a friend and neighbour of the former Home Secretary Leon Brittan, whose role in dealing with allegations of child abuse in the 1980's is likely to come under intense scrutiny.
Before it has even began we are left with the feeling that far from a vigorous investigation into their fellow MPs, this is going to be a whitewash with very little naming and shaming and the blame put upon a few minor bad apples and the big fish slip away into the shadows with their reputations intact, a la the recent Iraq and expenses scandals.
And they wonder why nobody trust's politicians anymore.


  1. Lucy, I have a feature request. NBC picked up EPL (or BPL?) broadcast rights this year, and Fox has picked up UEFA Champions League coverage. So for the first time ever there is quality English soccer on all the time. So now we're sort of invited to pick a BPL team to be our own, and I'm wondering what rooting for Chelsea, or Arsenal, or Liverpool (the team I've tentatively selected), etc says about a person? Kind of like how if you're a Yankees fan you just want to buy wins, or if you're a Cubs fan you enjoy perpetual torment. I wonder if you could give us a BPL primer of sorts?

  2. Any reason for opting for Liverpool? I will get onto it E-Wadda.
