FOAB Information

Saturday 18 October 2014

Religion From 1534 In 2014

In 1534 King Henry VIII was forbid by the Catholic Church to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Ann Boleyn as they did not recognise or support divorce so he jabbed two chubby fingers at the Vatican and made up his own religion, The Church of England, took back the wedding ring from Catherine and  gave it to Ann and all lived happily ever after. Well Henry did, Ann had her head chopped off two years later but we can be thankful that the Catholic Church have moved with the times and are no longer struck it the bad old days of 480 years ago.
Now we have a Pope who is looking to modernise the Church and is speaking of acceptance of divorce but in the vote of the Catholic Church synod today, he was rebuffed by the senior clerics who want to keep the divorcee's out.
It appears Pope Francis's attempt to bring the Catholic Church closer to the 21st Century was foiled by the people who want to keep it in the 16th and another nail gets hammered into the coffin lid of religion who seems intent to make itself as irrelevant as possible to people in 2014.

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