FOAB Information

Thursday 13 November 2014

No Santa At Gun Club This Year

Christmas is a time for peace and goodwill to all men, something the ScottsDale Gun Club obviously forgot as they used the yuletide as an opportunity to flog weapons and sell a photo of you and your family holding powerful weaponry while Santa looks on.
Unfortunately this year it seems that Santa has had a change of heart and he won't be putting in an appearance at the ScottsDale Gun Club amidst much disappointment from gun-buying members who so wanted to send out Christmas cards with festive scenes of them excitedly holding AK47's with Santa.
No explanation was forthcoming from the Gun Club why Santa is swerving them this year but the shop is keen to let customers know that they are still open to sell plenty of weapons that can blow a big hole into another person and what more can you ask from a gun.
So pop down to the shop on Northsight Boulevard and show someone how much you love them by buying them a high-powered weapon of death.
Not endorsed by Santa.

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