FOAB Information

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Show Us Your Award Tony

Tony Blair must be wondering if with the distance of a decade, the British public might finally be ready to forgive him for his role in the Iraq War and he got his answer, a resounding no they are not.
Save the Children has been criticised by all and sundry for giving Tony Blair an award for his anti-poverty work in Africa and has sent the Save The Children UK rushing out a statement saying it was nothing to do with them, it was Save the Children US.
Over 200 of the Save The Children staff signed a petition against their charity handing it over to former Prime Minister and after they went ahead and did it anyway, 100,000 people signed a petition calling for the Charity to snatch it back off him as 'his legacy in Iraq overshadows his achievements in Africa'.
Accepting the award last week, Mr Blair said: 'It's amazing how nice people are to you when you stop being prime minister'.
Maybe he should do a tour of the UK to show off his award and i am sure that he will find out just how nice his own people are to him.


  1. Was very significant that the UK arm was very quick off the mark to make it clear it wasn't anything to do with them so they must have been worried about donations dropping.

  2. And if 60 million people in this country had heard of this petition (e.g. I hadn't), I'm guessing about 59 million would have signed it.

    Saying Bliar is 'slightly unpopular' is like saying light is 'quite fast'.
