FOAB Information

Friday 7 November 2014

That'll Show 'Em

A rather too smug George Osborne returned from Brussels, puffed out his chest and proudly announced: 'Instead of footing the bill, we’ve halved the bill' in relation to the £14.7 billion bill the EU handed over to the UK last month.
What he obviously forgot to mention was that it was halved by Osborne offering to return the £850 million rebate cheque that the UK was due to receive and the rest in instalments meaning that the full £1.7bn will still be paid in full.
After all that huffing and humphing by Cameron about not paying it, we just have as asked, to an instalment plan the EU was always happy to accommodate us on.
I now look forward to Cameron and Gideon explaining how they showed those Europeans who's boss.

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