FOAB Information

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Santa's Almost In Town

Hardcore Christians are pretty unbearable at Christmas, it's not just that they can keep a straight face while while explaining how Immaculate Conception works, they also feel obliged to point out that as holy and wonderful as the Nativity is, Easter is more spiritually rewarding.
If you find a chocolate egg versus a sackful of brightly wrapped presents more rewarding than good luck with that but Santa only brings presents to good people so there are quite a few people who will be waking up tomorrow morning to find Santa has blown them a big fat raspberry this year.
As i have been a bit naughty this year it is touch and go whether i will be looking at a lump of coal or a bright, shiny bleeping thing in the morning but i did help an old lady to cross the road this morning so i am hoping that will nudge me into Santa's 'Good' column.
The NORAD Santa Tracker shows that Father Christmas is presently above the Indian Ocean and dashing towards the Maldives so i have a bit of time to do a few more good things to tip the balance so i wish everyone everywhere a Very Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël to the French speakers, Sheng Dan Kuai Le to the Chinese, Frohe Weihnachten to the Germans, Meri Kurisumasu to Japan, Nadolig Llawen to the Welsh and toDwI'ma' qoS yItIvqu' to the Sci-Fi Geeks.

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