FOAB Information

Wednesday 17 December 2014

USA Making Friends With Cuba

Hard to argue that Obama's presidency has been anything other than a complete disappointment on all fronts and so desperate to have any sort of accomplishment he would be remembered for Obama announces the US and Cuba are to normalise diplomatic relations and end decades of hostility.
Obama explained that: 'We fully expect we will continue to have strong differences, particularly on human rights' and it is true that American Human Rights abuses are many but i expect the Cubans will be more willing to overlook the abuses if the Americans close the torture chamber in Guantanamo Bay.
The smart money is less on Obama doing this out of the kindness of his heart but to undermine Russian and Cuban ties but for whatever reason is behind it, the Cubans should be wary of the about turn as we have recently learned with the revelations of spying and stirring up revolutions in other countries.
Maybe, being charitable, this is less about sinister motives and more about America making friends and we can look forward to Obama spending the last two years of his presidency actually earning that Peace Award he won, next step cutting off the funding to Israel!!


  1. No one over here saw this one coming, but I'm sure glad that we are finally taking steps to open up to Cuba. The Castros are going to be rich and powerful and evil either way, but at least with trade we can improve the lives of ordinary Cubans.

    Just look at China and Vietnam. The citizens of both countries are not well off by any means, but they are a lot better off now that we are trading with them than they were when we were at odds with them.

  2. I'm hopeful that it is what i glibbly mentioned at the end of the post and it is Obama setting about doing what we all thought he would do when he was elected 6 years ago with much fanfare.

  3. He won't be able to wipe out the bad things but it might assure that it isn't all he is remembered for and it will put right an awful wrong and may well bring a bit of peace to the area.

  4. Firing at Cuba? You said about dumping Israel.
    Is a left wing fascist anything like a right wing Socialist or an atheist creationist?
