FOAB Information

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Letting The Conservatives Continue What They Started

On your marks, get set...and they are off, the election starting pistol has sounded and the 4 month race has began to elect the next Prime Minister. The Labour Party are the early leaders on 34%, followed by the Conservatives with 31% and then UKIP on 14%, Greens on 8% and bringing up the rear the Liberal Democrats on a paltry 7%.   
The Conservative Party have landed on the election slogan 'Let us finish what we started' but that just begs a closer look at exactly what they have done over the past four and a half years in power.

300,000 more children in poverty year on year, 350 youth centres and 2,000 youth workers sacked, 200,000 less civil servants, 48% working of 20 to 34 year old live with their parents as they can’t afford to rent or buy their own home, the largest fall in wages in the EU since the 2008 recession, a shortage of 5000 teachers, 1.4 million on zero hours contracts, six million families in fuel poverty, 400,000 more working people claiming housing benefit every year, tax rate for the highest earners, an average 20% increase in train ticket prices, the lowest health care spending of the G7 nations, more austerity to come and the shaving off of the NHS to profit seeking firms.   

Hmmm, if this is the state of the country with the Conservatives only halfway through, hate to think what will be left if they get another term.
Sorry Dave, but we would have to be completely bonkers to let you continue what you started.