FOAB Information

Sunday 4 January 2015

Obama V Jong Un

For anyone who had too much mulled wine over the Christmas period and are only just coming around, Hollywood made a movie about the assassination of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un.
The maker of the film, Sony, was then hacked and emails with snide comments about Angelina Jolie were released and the US blamed North Korea with no proof and have imposed sanctions while most security experts disagree and blame it on a Sony insider.
It seems that imposing sanctions is the new National Sport for Obama which some would say is better than his previous one which was sending drones and blowing up mostly innocent people.
As the North Korea link has been dismissed by most of the Security experts, it seems another case of we have no proof but we will act as though we have anyway, very reminiscent of the MH17 incident with Russia where the 'proof' never materialised.
Obama's predecessor did much the same with Saddam Hussein when he and his cohorts continually put Saddam and Bin Laden in the same breath to create a previously non-existent link between the two knowing that if they repeat the lie about NK hacking Sony enough American's will end up believing it, hence, they get backing for their actions from the useful idiots.
If they had proof surely they'd be showing it to the world to embarrass North Korea and avoid looking like bullies and aggressors but after a decade of American propaganda and outright lies, the American reputation has sunk so low that in a dust-up with North Korea, it's the American leader who have come off looking worse.

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