FOAB Information

Monday 30 March 2015

Election Starting Pistol Sounded

You may be mistaken in thinking that the election campaign began a long time ago but today is the official starting pistol as Dave turns up to the Queens pad and asks her nicely to dissolve Parliament and then it's a six week race to May 7th and voting day.
What never changes is the predictability of the whole thing so we can expect to see a baby being kissed, burger/ice cream eating depending on the weather, an off the cuff remark picked up by a microphone possibly left on the interviewees shirt, Nigel Farage holding a pint of beer and someone dressed as Elvis losing their £500 deposit.
Something we can guarantee is that the loser will reluctantly make some noise about stepping aside and make a tearful goodbye speech and tender their resignation to make way for new party leaders.
One person who we will probably say goodbye to is Nick Clegg who faces the walk of shame out of Downing Street but it is uncertain if Dave Cameron and George Osborne will join him being dragged by the hair out of number 10 or the younger Miliband of Labour falling upon his sword to be replaced by an older Miliband we will find out soon.
Our old friend Google Trends has an impressive record of correctly choosing the winners of elections and with 38 days to go it is showing a thumping win for Labour which is very much against the polls i am seeing which has the Conservatives and Labour neck and neck at the moment so i wouldn't bet the rent money on Prime Minister Miliband just yet.

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