FOAB Information

Saturday 25 April 2015

Own Goal For Cameron

My team, Arsenal, are playing Aston Villa in the FA Cup Final at the end of May and i assumed that
everyone that isn't an Aston Villa fan or a Conservative will be hoping that the Gunners turn them
over and give them a good shellacking but the Prime Minister has gone and done a sneaky one and changed teams.
In an interview he was talking about muli-culturalism and said that people cab support any team they like but 'I'd rather you supported West Ham'.
Tackled by journalists over his previous football allegiance to the Villains, Cameron explained: 'I'm a Villa fan. I must have been overcome by something this morning'. 
Some may say that he's got so used to telling lies that he is no longer capable of telling the truth but i prefer to be more charitable and say that Dave is one of us, we're all in this together and he's just an ordinary bloke feeling the pressure and it is how he runs the country that he should be judged on.
Hang on...

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