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Saturday 30 May 2015

Arsenal Win Again

As if being an Aston Villa fan this evening isn't miserable enough, there is one Villans fan who will have been ruing the FA Cup Final defeat to Arsenal more than most as he had a tattoo celebrating his teams win.   
Of course AVFC FA CUP WINNERS 2014-15 can easily be rectified by removing the offending 'V' to make it AFC FA CUP WINNERS 2014-15 as Arsenal celebrate the second FA Cup win in succession.
While there was lots of television shots of Villa fan Prince William looking miserable as he team were well beaten, other celebrities must have also been feeling glum or even more glummer in the case of David Cameron who is a Villa fan when he remembers which team he supports.
Tom Hanks also came out as a Villa fan a while back and tweeted prior to the game: 'I've been an Aston Villa fan since 1984 - true to be claret and blue for 21 years. Good luck in the FA Cup!'.
Jay Z and Ozzy Osbourne are also fans of Tim Sherwood's team but Aston Villa were so bad today that it seems almost heartless to make fun of them so instead i offer the consolation that every Villa fan must cling to, at least you aren't Tottenham.
Southampton fans must be happy though because Arsenal winning means that they receive the extra Little European Cup place that has now been freed up as Arsenal are in the Big European Cup.
You're welcome Saints, now sell us Morgan Schneiderlin and we will call it evens.

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