FOAB Information

Wednesday 13 May 2015

How Can Dropping Human Rights Be Good For Us?

Quite rightly the human rights groups are hollering about the Conservative Party plans to scrap the
Human Rights Act with the justification that those pesky European judges at the European court are making a mockery of the British courts system by pandering to the criminal and not the victim.
The Government haven't actually explained which parts of the Humans Right Act they object to, whether it's the part about the right to life, liberty and security of person or the right to a fair trial or maybe it's the bit about protection from torture and ill treatment.
It could be they hate the idea of freedom of thought, conscience, religion, speech and assembly or the right to marry, the right to free elections, the right to fair access to the country’s education system or even the right not to be discriminated against.
As we have been signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights since the 1950s, it does make me wonder just bits the Government don't agree with and want to drop?
By dropping the Human Rights Act, the Government is obviously going to remove some of our human rights and i fail to see how that can ever be a good thing.
I am sure that the Government will wheel out some extreme cases as justification but removing something so fundamental as Human Rights that protect all of us because of a few cases that leave a bad taste in the mouth is scandalous, especially when the stronger case would be to add to or strengthen the clauses they disagree with.
Worth remembering to those that are toeing the party line that the rights protect all of us and it won't just be the few bad apples that are affected by it, but it will be all of us.    


  1. Voluntarily giving up your right to bare arms beginning to sound questionable?


  2. Why do they want to get rid of it?

    I talked with some English lawyers a while back. The concept of parliamentary supremacy seemed so embedded in British law, that I could see some sections having real problem with fixed rights. Is the idea that there should be some right that Westminster can't just legislate away so horrifying? The Human Rights Act seems to impose just a little bit of written constitutionalism in the UK.


  3. Will never sound questionable as we see what the opposite is from your shores.

    It appears that they want to get rid of it because of the 'universal rights' which means that victims and the perpetrators have the same rights. There were a few high profile cases where criminal immigrants could not be exported back to the country of their birth because it was a warzone or they had a family here and the baby went out with the bathwater and the Government want to scrap the HRA and write a British Rights Act.

  4. So you are not really worried about your rights being impacted.

    Just rhetoric and an unjustified attack on those you with whom you disagree?


  5. Can i not be worried about rights being impacted but also not wanting school children blown away in schools on a regular basis?
