FOAB Information

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Putting The Fun Into Funeral

Seems the scheduled posts never appeared then as if someone had accidentally put the wrong date on them or something which is a shame because there were a few crackers there and one i was especially chuffed with which had time travellers at the signing of the Magna Carta which will now never see the light of day. Oh well, onward and downwards as they say which is especially fitting as i have just returned from a 'FUN-eral'.
It was definitely not a funeral in the usual sense, it was strictly a colourful celebration of the person's life with just as much laughter, music and amusing anecdotes as there were sombre remembrance.
It wasn't to everybodies tastes, the traditional view amongst some is that funerals are meant to be sombre, austere and joyless but it seems the days of the traditional funeral may be coming to an end.   
Wearing black is now commonly discouraged and according to the The Co-operative Funeralcare, Monty Python's 'Always Look On The Bright Side of Life' is the most popular song played at UK funerals.
An ICM poll found that 54% of people wanted their funeral to be a 'celebration of their life and wanted it to incorporate their favourite hobby, colour, football team or music.
It may not please the church and it was apparently quite a job to get a vicar willing to oversee the proceedings that insisted no tears, no dwelling on loss and was a gathering to rejoice and have a good laugh at what happened when she was alive. Her words were for it to be: 'One last hurrah', 
It seems a strange thing to say but a good time was had by all and i have never laughed so much at a funeral which was a strange feeling and i can't say i am looking forward to the next one but it is hard not to raise a smile when a coffin made to look like a mobile phone disappears behind a curtain to the sounds of Celine Dion singing 'My Heart Will Go On'.

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