FOAB Information

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Copernicus Was Wrong!!

A Saudi Arabian cleric has made an amazing discovery that will redefine science by announcing that his research shows that the Earth isn't spinning and the sun is orbiting us, not the other way around.
Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari explained that the Earth is stationary and does not move as his research
shows that if it was spinning on its axis as we all thought, aeroplanes would not be able to reach their
Here's the non-science bit.
'If we are going to Sharjah Airport to travel to China by plane, the plane would stop dead in its tracks in mid-air. China would be coming towards it in case the Earth rotates in one direction. If the Earth rotates in the opposite direction, the plane would never reach China, because China is also rotating'. 
The Sheikh then went on to dismiss the traditional Copernican astronomical model, insisting that
any science countering his stationary theory was fabricated.
It could be that something was lost in translation or that he thinks it is still the early 17th Century because otherwise his stupidity is planet sized, a planet that isn't revolving and has a star circling around it obviously.


  1. Lucy... You seem to have a lot to say about astronomy and the logistics of exactly which celestial bodies are orbiting which other celestial bodies... and yet you have nothing to say about THE BILLIONS OF INNOCENT FETUSES BEING MURDERED EVERY MINUTE????

  2. I refer you to my previous post regarding Walter Palmer where it wasn't mentioned either.

  3. I think I just heard a loud 'whooshing' sound...
