FOAB Information

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Female Only Carriage Idea

Typically just days after saying i agree with most things that Jeremy Corbyn says, he says something i disagree with, support fort all female carriages on public transport. 
On the face of it, the idea that lone female travellers can be made to feel safer by offering them a space of their own sounds a decent one but it does smell of prevention and not cure.
By providing female only carriages, the onus is put squarely on women to prevent the harassment they experience rather than treat the problem of men harassing women.
It is a relation to the depressing idea that women wearing a short skirt or drinking alcohol on a night out are somehow 'asking for it' and so any woman boarding a mixed-gender train carriage would end up being considered culpable if she is then assaulted.
The message seems to be aimed at women as 'don’t put yourself in a position to be assaulted', instead 'don't assault' where it should be aimed, at the men who do the assaulting.


  1. Why should the onus be on the women to 'take a risk' and not on the men to stop assaulting women? It's saying we can't stop men assaulting women so best we can do is move women to another carriage so it doesn't happen. Much easier to segregate us then to sort out the problem of men assaulting women.

  2. The British red coats are not coming back q, you can rest easy.
