FOAB Information

Friday 2 October 2015


The shooting at a college in Oregon, where at least 10 people have been killed, is part of a grim list in modern US history.
As usual Americans will just shrug over these types of things because 'bearing arms is our right' and feel that this level of violence and death is a price worth paying.
Put forward the idea that two adults of the same sex can get married and they become unhinged.
Their children getting killed by maniacs with guns while in school is fine while two people declaring their love for each other sparks much more animosity.
Go figure.


  1. See, exactly what i said. Mention two adults of the same sex getting married and it's a rant and bizarrely linking it to beastiality but mention guns killing more innocent people in yet another school massacre and you are strangely fine with it.

  2. Ever since the ring film we have taken down all our mirrors.

  3. We have doubled our efforts to not watch any haunted video tapes.
