FOAB Information

Sunday 22 November 2015

Church Told To Stick Ad Up Their Wookie

The Church of England has said it is 'bewildered' by the refusal of the country's biggest cinema chains to screen a 60-second advert featuring the Lord's Prayer.
The Church produced the ad which shows Christians from all walks of life reciting one line each of the Lords Prayer in a campaign to promote praying.
The ad was planned to be shown in cinemas from 18 December before the new Star Wars film but the cinemas have refused to show it as they believe it carries the risk of upsetting, or offending, audiences.
Not that it would offend me because i would use that minute to go get some popcorn or visit the ladies but i'm glad the cinemas are refusing to show it.
I don't want religion forced upon me especially when I have paid to watch a film and if the Christians want to hear people saying prayers pop along to one of the many Churches near you, don't try and force it on me and other non-Christians. They moaned their heads off when the Atheists put a poster on a bus.
I also think aiming it at people who would pay to see a Star Wars film is also a bad move, they are probably the sort of people who describe their religious status as 'Jedi Knight' and asked for their ticket in Yoda speak 'For the new star wars film please a ticket' so any reference to Our Father they would assume you meant Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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