FOAB Information

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Government To Blame For UK Floods

When asked where, in the times of austerity, the money for the war in Syria would come from the Prime Minister announced they had a contingency chest for such events which will be needed as the cost of one six hour flying mission is a cool £508,000.
When asked why the money set aside for flood defence was being cut last year the Prime Minister mumbled about having to make cuts in all departments times of austerity.
The cuts seem to have come back and bit him on the backside as large swathes of North England and Scotland are under several feet of water.
As official documents show, the government’s own advisory board pointed out that a lack of funds would leave northern communities at risk of floods after a £180m flood defence project was scrapped in Leeds which is now flooded and the long-term cost of the disaster to everyone estimated to be somewhere around £5bn.   
Much moaning from Sun readers about the £1.5bn foreign aid this country hands over to relief work around the globe while people in this country suffer floods but it was never a case of give it to them or spend the money on flood barriers, it was due to the Government cutting the budget for flood defence.
If we held on to the £1.5bn it wouldn't have necessarily been spent on building Northern flood barriers, more likely it would have been swallowed up in the day to day running of the country and we would still be flooded.
This Government has been trying desperately to shrink Government and all departments and their budgets have been slashed which is why you can't get through to HMRC on the telephone, or it takes months to get your passport application processed or a four month waiting list for a driving test and why the Environmental Agency are unable to build proper flood defences due to their budget being viciously reduced.
Some right wingers may be calling for a smaller state and less Government involvement but this is exactly what you get when that happens and because the Government ducked spending £180 million of our taxes last year due to austerity, it is going to have to spend £5bn to put things right this year.
Funny how it always seems to have enough money for a spot of war at half a million pound a mission, or three flood defence projects, but they set aside money for a bit war but have nothing left for keeping the rising sea out of our living rooms.


  1. The military is one department that i agree with the Government cutting.

  2. Great idea, all about community and society. You should work the idea into some sort of manifesto
