FOAB Information

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Beginning Of The End For Trump?

It had to come to a grinding halt at some point, mostly because he has annoyed pretty much everyone at some point but it could be this is where the wheels come of the Trump-mobile.
Thank heavens for that, he was a raving nutter you may say but if the Republicans don't forward Donald Trump then it will be Ted Cruz and in the fine tradition of American right-wingers, he is also loony tune.
Everyone has seen the clip where the mad fundamentalist Christian finishes his rant that gay's should be killed in keeping with the Bible before warmly shaking hands with the Canadian born politician who bounds onto the stage to push his Christian credentials to the audience. 
Against free health care, a climate change denier and wants to expand oil drilling, anti-abortion, pro-gun, opposes same sex marriage, called the thaw in relations with Cuba as a 'tragic mistake' and favours the death penalty.
Throw in that he is even more scarily religious then George W Bush and even John McCain called him a 'whacko' and it seems the Republicans get to choose from either the racist clown or the bible quoting joker.
Luckily the race isn't just between those two and the Democrats are expected to roll over whichever one gets the nod but the Democrats have Hillary Clinton who seems to be a pathological liar who you would trust as far as you could throw an intern in the Oval Office and she may yet be taken out of the race by the FBI who are currently in the midst of a full criminal investigation over her use of a private email server while Secretary of State.
With the exception of Bernie Sanders, the wanna-be President field look a rag-tag bunch at best and a worrying group of men and women with more loose screws than a third hand Austin Allegro.


  1. Luckily none of these are leaders yet, just scary wannabes.

  2. They had Cruz's campaign manager on TV earlier and he was saying (as expected) Trump has blown it but even if he does win, he won't get the nomination now as he can't get the required numbers so it will down to the Republicans to pick who they want and Cruz will get the pick. Didn't really follow it properly but he seemed to think Cruz has it to lose. Revealingly he did concede that he would have up to up his game to beat Hillary who they expect will get the nod (FBI investigation allowing).

  3. Cruz is a scary fellow though, seemed even more right wing then Trump albeit less of a shouty tosser.
