FOAB Information

Monday 11 April 2016

No American Apology For Hiroshima

During his lifetime, Enola Gay crew member Theodore Van Kirk, said that he had been asked many times if he regretted what his team did that day and he said: 'I have never apologised for what we did to Hiroshima and i never will. I was proud to be on the Enola Gay'.
United States leaders have avoided Hiroshima since that day in 1945 because of political sensitivities but John Kerry was there today but no apology for what his country did to Japan tumbled from his lips and a senior American official travelling with Kerry, it was never going to.
'We will revisit the past and honour those who perished" Kerry said as he met with Japanese dignitaries.
No answers to why America chose a civilian city with no military significance and why the weapon was not used against a military target.
Neither why they targeted so many innocent people and why a show of strength on one of the uninhabited islands with a warning that this could be one of your cities next time was not the option.
I get that it was during war-time but to drop such a horrific weapon, and then drop another one days later, killing so many civilians when the Japanese were negotiating an end to hostilities just stinks.    
What the US did against Hiroshima and Nagasaki is amongst the roll call of humanities greatest atrocities where almost a quarter of a million people died instantly, mostly innocent civilians, so damn sure they should apologise, 'honouring them' for being on the end of American brutality is not enough.


  1. That is one viewpoint, atrocious mass slaughter of civilians is another.

  2. The greatest atrocity against humanity. And a shame for all those who continue searching justifications for the murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians or denying apologies.
    That is the "Americano exceptionalism".


  4. Japanese civilians weren't responsible of their emperor's actions, it is totally absurd and unfair to say that they deserved the nuclear bomb. You aren't responsible of the bombs that Truman decided to launch 70 years ago, as I'm not either of the atrocities that the Kings of Castille did 5 centuries ago. But we are responsible of condemn now that atrocities, or justify them just because the patriot is more important than the rest of humanity.

  5. What crap, the military choose to fight, civilians don't. Complete nonsense thing to say killing a civilian is not better or worse than killing a soldier.

  6. What are you on? Whatever it is cut the dose! You are sounding more and more nuttier.

  7. Because you are coming across as a nut. Take some time out, it feels like I'm dealing with someone who over the last 12 months or so has become more and more unravelled.

  8. Civilians and soldiers, you cant even get that right.

  9. Civilians choose to fight?? Damn lucky you got turned down for the military isn't it.
