FOAB Information

Wednesday 6 April 2016

One Way Or Another

It was reported yesterday that the world’s overall military expenditure grew by one percent last year, reaching $1.7 trillion.
Today's cheerful report is from Amnesty International which found a surge in the number of executions taking place worldwide which means more people were killed by the state last year than at any point since 1989.
At least 1,634 people were officially put to death in 2015, and Amnesty estimates thousand of people more were killed in China, where records are kept secret.
Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were responsible for almost 90 per cent of recorded executions.
With 28 people executed, the US came in at number five on the list.
Saudi Arabia has also seen a huge spike in executions, the annual number of which have risen 76 per cent in 2015 on 2014. The usual method of execution is beheading.
Seems that between the state killing its own people and the increase in buying equipment to kill other countries people we are doing a depressingly fine job of killing each other.