FOAB Information

Thursday 30 June 2016

Dare We Rerun The Referendum?

The petition for re-running the second EU referendum has reached 4 million and anti-Brexit protests have sprung up in cities so the question must be should we do it again?
I'm torn because i was on losing side of the decision and consider what we have voted for as the height of foolishness with severe consequences for us all but then again, we can't just ignore the result or re-run it just because 48% of us didn't agree with it, that's us gladly wandering into dictatorial territory.
Sure many who voted to remain in the EU are very disappointed about the result, particularly how it is dawning on us how it will hit our economy and therefore most vulnerable in our society already down after years of austerity, but there are also many people who voted leave who are regretting their decision now they are hearing of the consequences, over 1.1 million of them according to a recent poll.
Brussels have made it crystal clear that the UK must maintain free movement of labour in order to access the largest single market in the World with over 500 million potential customers, a fact that was spelt out before but dismissed by the Brexit campaign as 'fear-mongering', as was the now discredited claim of the NHS receiving the money we currently send to the EU.
Knowing now what we know, those who voted Leave could argue that they voted on mis-information but it still leaves the problem of whether it would be morally right to re-run the referendum, albeit this time with the public having a better understanding of what an exit package would mean.
The Government has a decision to make regarding what is in the national interest and to act accordingly but as we now know that the deal available outside the EU will hit the country hard, the safest way to go about things would be to gain some wiggle room which delays, and then postpones the handing over of Article 50 until which will propel us out of the EU and we then quietly forget all about it.
That way the referendum result stands, democracy prevails but we just don't do anything to enforce the result .


  1. 1 nothing alleged about it
    2 largest single market
    3 its called democracy

  2. I sometimes wonder if you give a neighbourhood child a couple of dollars to write comments for you. No austerity?? Cant understand what a single market is?? As much as i applaud you helping out the local kids, their poor knowledge of these things make you look awful.

  3. I think you couldn't be more wrong on the definition of what a single market is if you tried. I find it quite shocking you don't appear to know what one is. I'm sure someone over there can explain it to you if you ask nicely.

  4. Yep, it tickles me also, shocking but highly humorous

  5. Want to tell me again what a single market is?

  6. The USA and China? Single markets? And you are the one who is supposed to know about economics and business!! Maybe if you ask Santa he will bring you that 101 marketing book for Xmas.

  7. I got together some 4 year olds to help you. Class, tell Mr Q how many countries are in the USA. That's right, 1. How many in China..right again 1. And finally, how many countries are in India..well done, 1 again. Now, how many in the EU...close, but the UK is still in it at the moment so it's 28.
    That's unfair Daniel, i think Mr Q is just tired or maybe he has been at the strong coffee again, possibly his mind has gone for a walk again or maybe he just doesn't know what a single market is so be nice.
    Hope this helps.

  8. I know next to nothing but you are supposed to know and you are embarrassingly wrong about it. Funny isn't it. Makes me chuckle anyway especially hot on the heels of you making such a debacle of your understanding of socialism. I wonder what else you think you know about but have completely no idea?

  9. Because I know what the single market means which makes it so funny because it is supposedly your field. Another epic fail for you!!
