FOAB Information

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Preparing For An Increasing Population

The UN’s department of economic and social affairs have said that Global population hit 7.3 billion midway through 2015, an increase of 2 billion since 1990 and will continue to climb steadily to reach 8.5 billion in 2030.
As we are already using the resources of one and a half Earth's it is a problem which we have no idea how to solve.
The problem isn't too many births as many think but not enough deaths due to people living longer, DESA explained that the number of births has leveled off globally for the world as a whole so we are not adding people to the population through births.
In 2015 global life expectancy rose to 71.4 years, a five-year increase since 2000, and that is obviously a good thing but the challenge is that we still have to reduce the amount of humans on the Planet and that can still only come from reducing births in the first place. 
Further access to contraception is the obvious answer and globally there are still 225 million women who are unable to access a modern form of contraception. Better education and child health clinics are also important to reduce pregnancies but most importantly we have to prepare ourselves for being able to accommodate 8.5 billion people by 2030.
This isn't simple as due to desertification, extreme weather and flooding as a result of climate change we are being squeezed into an ever decreasing amount of land but the solution isn't waving our arms around and saying there are just too many of us, we need to prepare the infrastructure to be ready for the 8.5 billion of us sharing the planet.


  1. How would putting all the people in the USA (or anywhere else) solve using the resources of one and a half Earth's and how would it reduce the amount of births?

  2. Things that cant be replaced in a year so trees, fish, land and amount of pollution and carbon pumped into the atmosphere. How will technology makes trees grow quicker?

  3. We would have to move sharpish though because once the Trump gets in he wont let the Muslims come over!

  4. Its a combination of your comment that the world can fit in the USA and Donald trumps comment about banning Muslims. Do keep up!!

  5. It isn't about being able to for them in, its about the amount of resources we use and if the 7.3 billion of us are using 1 1/2 planets resources, we need to do something because soon there will be 8.5 billion of us.

  6. Malthus is about controlling the population, I'm saying the opposite where we need to prepare for an expanding population.

  7. So the population isn't going to be 8.5 billion by 2030? We are not going to have to prepare for them all? We are not already using up more of the earths resources then we have?
