FOAB Information

Saturday 18 June 2016

Trump Speaks Like A Kid

According to language experts, Donald Trump has the grammar of an 11 year old which works out well because that is about the mental age of  the people who will vote for him. 
While most have been paying attention to his words about Mexican rapists, Muslims or women's periods, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University’s Language Technologies Institute have been paying more attention to how he says it and they concluded that he may not be a simpleton, but he talks like one.
They found that Trump resists multi-syllabic words and complex sentence constructions when speaking and uses short, punchy words (you, we, guy, very and great were most common) to create short, simple sentences in the way that an 11 year old student would do.
In one August new conference his lack of articulation put him at an even-lower level of eight or nine years old.
As he has gained the Republican nomination Trump’s verbal deficit seems to chime with many who seem to like his plain language and simplified ideas.
Speaking with the grip of the English language akin to a child never seemed to do George W Bush any harm though as he was the only former President who exhibited a grammar age younger than Trump but then in GWB's own words, everybody 'misunderestimated me' which we did, we assumed he was a moron and it turned out that was setting the bar too high .


  1. I would say you adjust your language for your audience so if you want to appeal to a low denominator, you use language they understand. Trump is obviously aiming low.

  2. As trump said he loved the poorly educated I guess he is dumbing it down to their level as the poorly educated are where he will get his votes from, them and racists, misogynists etc.

  3. Hard to deny that the racists, misogynists and hard of thinking are mostly on the right.

  4. Drug users have a political preference? I must stop and ask the next heroin addict what their thoughts are on closer economic ties with the EU and the role of NATO in a post-cold war world.
