FOAB Information

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Great Start Theresa

Start as you mean to go on...Great Britain's New Prime Minister Theresa May has made tax avoidance one of her key aims and days ago named Starbucks and Amazon as just two of the tax dodging companies her government will crack down on.
I'm sure her husband may not be so keen, especially as he is a senior executive at investment fund, Capital Group, which manages tens of billion of pounds worth of shares for guess where...Amazon and Starbucks.
'It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re Amazon, Google or Starbucks, you have a duty to put something back, you have a debt to fellow citizens and you have a responsibility to pay your taxes' said Mrs May on Monday which must have caused Mr May a few awkward moments at work the next day.
Great start Theresa, your husband exposed as one of the people helping the firms that you are promising to crack down on. Awkward.


  1. Starbucks and Amazon services voluntary? Since when?

  2. Nope, you've lost me with the voluntary bit.

  3. Ok, I think I see what you mean now. As I am sure you know, any business that makes a profit has to pay tax on those profits, Starbucks is no different to any other business who satisfy many consumers and pay for the supplies and service they use. If you avoid paying that tax then you cheat the people of whichever country you avoid it in so you are legally obliged to pay it. But you know all this so I am still unclear what your point is. Do you think they shouldn't pay tax for some reason?

  4. I don't know if you are trying to be humorous or if your lid has come loose again but I just don't get what your point is.

  5. You are querying UK tax laws? That was what all that weird stuff above was about? Unfortunately the Chancellor has just been sacked but when the new one comes along, he/she is the person to ask but you may want to leave it a few days, he or she is bound to be busy for the first few days.
