FOAB Information

Wednesday 20 July 2016

It's Too Hot

I know summer is meant to be all about long, lazy days and sultry, sexy nights but let’s be honest, it’s actually about wasps, sunburn, and the smell of sweaty armpits in the lift but as we can't stop the Earth orbiting the Sun we are stuck with Summer each year and this one has been a doozy which is great if you are a mosquito but not so good for pasty skinned humans. 
So as Billy Idol noticed, as well as it being scorchio during the day, it gets hot in the city, tonight also so with nighttime temperatures remaining in the low 20s, it hasn't been easy getting a decent nights sleep but luckily there is the internet and a plethora of people in hot countries willing to pass on advice on how they cope with these hot summer nights.
A fan can be used if you can handle the constant drone of the fan motor or you could throw open the windows but expect to wake up with an insect party going on around your head in the morning.
Something i was told a long time ago was to put your pillow in the fridge an hour before you go to bed (or just the pillowcase if the fridge isn't big enough) and other helpful tips is to not strip off but wear loose-fitting cotton or silk nightclothes as natural fibres wick away moisture from your skin.
Leaving blinds down or curtains closed during the day will keep the sun out and not heat up the bedroom and running your wrists and hands or feet under the cold tap for a few minutes will bring down the bodies temperature as will hugging a hot water bottle filled with cold water.
In Japan they put the mattress on the floor as that is where the coolest air is as the warm air is lighter and will rise leaving all the cold stuff lower down.
Another tip is to wring out a flannel with cold water and sleep with it on exposed skin and going to bed with damp socks on.
Finally sleeping on your side exposes more body surface and gives off more heat so there are lot's of good tips which are more helpful then my usual method which is laying there with my hair stuck to the pillow and whining 'IT'S TOO HOT' every couple of minutes.

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