FOAB Information

Saturday 2 July 2016

Teflon Tony Due A Fall

When he was in power Tony Blair was known as Teflon Tony because no matter what mess was going on aropund him, he came out of it clean but that all changed with the Iraq War where he went from being one of our best liked Prime Ministers to receiving more hatred than even Margaret Thatcher had thrown at her.
Next Wednesday is the culmination of the Chilcot Report into the Iraq war and it has been heavily hinted at that Tony Blair is set to savaged.
A number of MPs have already looked into impeaching the former prime minister using an ancient Parliamentary law which will be set in motion if the report states that Blair misled Parliament over the Iraq War.
The MPs believe he should be prosecuted for breaching his constitutional duties and taking the country into a conflict that resulted in the deaths of over a million Iraqi's and 179 British troops.
If the impeachment attempt is approved by MPs, the Blair is put on trial and could face a prison sentence.
The key point which could launch the procedure is if Chilcot shows that Blair committed to the invasion of Iraq in private with President George Bush before 2003.
'If, as I believe Chilcot finds that there was a prior commitment from Blair to Bush at Crawford ranch in 2002, that would provide the reason for pursuing the matter further' said one MP.
Wednesday could turn out to be a very bad day for Tony Blair but a great day for those of us who want to see him punished for his appalling and abhorrent actions for which he has never been properly held to account.

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