FOAB Information

Friday 5 August 2016

Welcome To Rio (AKA Hell)

It's probably not a good omen if you turn up in a foreign country to be greeted by the police holding
'Welcome To Hell' signs but the Brazilian Olympics has not been your usual sort of sporting jamboree and it hasn't even started yet.
Amidst the riots, the impeached President, drug cheating athletes, corruption, infant deforming virus and a lot of pollution there will be a bit of cycling, throwing, running and jumping going on.
I expect all the above will be forgotten, at least until a 200m runner breaks the tape before the sound of the starting pistol has stopped echoing around the stadium or a British female cyclist forgets to turn up for the medal ceremony as she had her phone on silent the three times they tried to call her.
As the Olympics is held in a country on the other side of the globe, us Brits face the next three weeks bleary eyed and falling asleep at our workplace as we stay up to watch the heat stage of the Men's 1000m canoe sprint.
Fortunately, i won't be one of them as i am off on my holidays for the next few weeks so will be catching whatever bits of the Olympics wherever there is a television while this blog (hopefully) schedules the pre-written blog posts i have scattered around.

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