FOAB Information

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Britain Becoming The World's Whore

Strange how pre-June 23 20126 Theresa May was making the case for how Britain must stay in the EU to survive but since the Brexit vote went the other way, she is saying that Britain now now thrive and grow outside of the EU and to prove it is jetting off around the globe begging countries to trade with us to make up the shortfall when the EU tells us to go do one.
We do seem to have painted ourselves into a corner because nations know we need them more than they need us and dangle trade in front of us but we have to play nicely.
That's why Theresa May won't join in sticking it to the slimey Trump in America, smooched around the abhorrent Netanyahu of Israel and will soon be jetting off to hold the hands of the Chinese Politburo.
No mention of walls or immigrant bans to Trump, a blind eye turned to the land stealing by Netanyahu and let's not mention the poisoning the Earth to the Chinese.
Britain is now impotent on the World Stage because within two years we will lose 30% of our GDP by amazingly stepping away from the largest single market on the planet and it's 500 million customers and we need to find a replacement.
There are already rumours that as part of the Trade deal with America, Britain will have to lower it's food quality and accept GM Food and chemically washed chicken from over there, both which were outlawed by the EU but once removed, we can set our own, very low, standards.
Britain has been on the slide for decades but we have very quickly become the country that is willing to whore itself out for a few shiny pennies.

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