FOAB Information

Friday 3 February 2017

Europe Kicks Out At Trump

Not bad that in such a short time the new American President has not only been given a swift kicking by almost every country in the World, now he is getting the boot stuck in from whole continents.
European leaders not only poo-pooed Theresa' May's desperate attempt to stay relevant to them by offering to become a 'bridge' between Europe and America but launched a tirade against the man who will be the owner of the smallest hands at the next G20 summit. 
A day of swipes at the orange orangutan included Trump being 'highly problematic', 'shirking repsonibility', 'not on top of world affairs' and a concern over his 'decison making and attitude'. 
They finally agreed that America and its ill-conceived military interventions over the last few administrations was 'responsibe for the refugee crisis' in the Middle East.
As that was only the parts they said in public it is safe to assume they had a good laugh about his funny hair, weight, strange skin tone and golden shower parties in private.
Those Europeans can so bitchy sometimes which should make summits when Trump is actually present interesting, given that he comes this side of the Atlantic because as things stand, he doesn't seem to have too many friends in Europe...or Asia, or Australasia, or South America, or Africa.
Antarctica could be an option i guess.


  1. Others with credible geopolitical expertise say Russia created the Syrian refugee crisis to keep Turkey and Europe preoccupied with refugees, enabling Russia to take Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

  2. Credible geopolitical expertise must mean something different there i guess.
