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Friday 17 February 2017

French Colonialism

France and Britain were amongst the worst of the colonisers who would forcibly take over countries, rape and pillage them for their own benefit and make with the military if the people we were subjugating took offence.
Some still try and make the defence that we 'civilised them', those that lived possibly but not so lucky were the millions who died under the Union Flag and Tricolour and while us British tend to not mention it or call them the Commonwealth, the French President nominee, Emmanuel Macron, has come out and said that what the French did was 'a crime against humanity', 'truly barbarous' and 'part of our past that we should apologise for'.
Damn straight you may think but those on the right wing of French politics has said that his words were treacherous and treasonous and pulled out the same nonsensical cliches about bringing wealth, law and order to the nations while they were being stomped all over.
The latest polls show that Macron would come second to the ultra right wing Marine Le Pen in the first round of voting and then would resoundingly defeat her in the second which would come as a relief as yet another right wing lunatic in one of the major nations of the globe would really be something to worry about. 


  1. Nobody alive today in France or the U.K. were part of the empirialism. No French or British owe anybody an apology.

  2. Its more to acknowledge it rather than just dismiss it as something that happened long ago and not important now.

  3. i don't get it. People that lived in the same geographic area before I was born does not make me guilty of anything they did. Nothing for me to apologize for. The left need to let go of this intellectually dishonest guilt.

    Too many fiction books not based in reality

  4. And you can't explain it because it makes no sense to hold someone accountable today for what people did 200 years ago... the people that did it are dead. The government has changed. The only thing the same is the geography..

  5. I explained it above, it is to acknowledge it to show it isn't just being forgotten.
