FOAB Information

Sunday 30 April 2017

Strong And Stable: Repeat Ad Nauseam

Considering that we have a snap election in six weeks time, the Prime Minister is keeping the public at arms length as it has been revealed that at the weekend venue of the election campaign trail contained only hand-picked Conservative Party loyalists were invited to guarantee her a standing ovation.
She has also toured a factory after all thew workers had gone home for the day and refused to take part in televised debates and after her roasting on the BBC this morning, it is understandable.
The Conservatives have hit upon the strategy of shoehorning in the words 'strong and stable' into every media question which led to the bizarre answer to the question that voters deserve better than to be spoken to in soundbites with the answer that: 'It is in the national interest to have a strong and stable leadership because only a strong and stable leadership can deliver a strong and stable economy'.
To the question that she wants to remove the handcuffs of the previous promise to not raise tax, she replied that 'she did want to reduce taxes', apparently it seems that the best way of ensuring she could do that would be to give herself the chance to increase it.
Later in the morning the Prime Minister appeared on ITV and kept with the robotic strong and stable leadership answers although she was asked why she would not be doing the live TV debates?
'Because I want to get out into the community to meet ordinary people,” she replied before leaving the studio to rejoin the election trail where she appears to be doing everything she can to avoid ordinary people.

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