FOAB Information

Saturday 27 May 2017

Conservatives Faltering

Google Trends has a pretty decent record at predicting who is going to win elections and the latest results are showing Theresa May could well be looking up the phone numbers of removal firms on June 9th.
The Conservatives have had a bad week with the announcement of the Dementia Tax, the removal of the triple lock on State Pensions, cutting the winter fuel allowance and a general rise in income tax, all which mostly hit their core voters, the elderly.
With a poll showing that their once commanding 19 point leave is down to 9 points, and Theresa May being roundly blamed for her Governments cuts to policing which allowed the Manchester Attacks to happen, what once looked like a march to an election win is now looking quite shaky.
Jeremy Corbyn for his part is playing a blinder, his arguments are starting to cut through and his handling of the questions posed by the excellent Andrew Neil midweek, the same interviewer that Theresa May stumbled over so badly, have raised expectations that Labour could cause a shock.
Still a long way to go and the media have redoubled their efforts to portray Corbyn as a Marxist so it could all change but things are certainly looking tighter than most of us, Theresa May especially, expected.

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