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Saturday 19 August 2017

General Lee And The Nazi's

Being away on my holidays, i haven't been following the Charlottesville protests and its aftermath very closely but from what i have seen, a bunch of extreme right wingers were protesting over the removal of a statue of an old pro-slavery General and another group of anti-racists and anti-fascists, who have been labelled as left wing for some reason, clashed and one deranged right winger drove his car into the protesters and killed a female.
Trump, a man so stupid you wouldn't trust him to face the right way on the toilet, sent out a tweet refusing to condemn the right wingers and even equated the anti-fascist protesters with the likes of the KKK and the Nazi flag wavers.
In the resulting furor over his refusal to condemn the people dishing out Nazi salutes, he did the old trick of throwing a dead cat onto the table in the shape of a sacked Steve Bannon to change the conversation away from his support for his base of right wing racists.
Trump, a fan of Adolf Hitler according to his ex-wife who revealed he was an avid reader of the Nazi leader and kept a book of his speeches next to their bed, has been widely condemned by most people who made the point that if you find yourself on the side of fascist Nazi's, you are probably on the wrong side.  
To me, General Lee was the name of the car in The Dukes of Hazard but he was also a General in the American Civil War who fought to maintain slavery so you may ask who would want a statue of a nasty old racist in their city anyway but that is an ongoing discussion over statues of hideous men who in the cold light of the 21st Century are seen in a very different light from previous generations.
The problem with having statues, especially of military personnel, is that the person involved is celebrated for the slaughter, or in the case of Lee the violent subjugation, of other people.
If we are going to celebrate anyone with a likeness in our towns and cities, it should be people who are genuine heroes who have helped mankind, not conquered, enslaved or killed as many as possible of them.
A good guide is if the people who want to keep the statue are chanting Nazi slogans, draping themselves in Swastika's and are driving their cars into groups of people, then the statue is probably not of someone who should be celebrated.


  1. clumsy as usual with some iffy facts. but, i dont think we need any statues so i could not care less...

    lefties in the USA went bat crap crazy. one said to me "this week we went back to pre-civil war!!"

    I said "really, white people were hanging and whipping black people by the thousands?"

    He said, "well, we went back to 1960 anyway".

    I said, "that is quite a jump from 1860 to 1960. since you weren't born yet maybe you don't know that the democrat party were mostly KKK members and referred to blacks as niggers, we had colored and white water fountains (bubblers for brits), blacks often lived with no running water or electricity, there were a handful of wealthy blacks, almost zero black elected officials, separate schools for blacks and whites,etc."

    He said "well maybe not that bad either".

    Yeah, dumb ass chill out...

    The "average" person is not very smart. and is very emotional...


  2. If you would be so kind to point out which facts are iffy I will be happy to correct them. Also, never heard a water fountain called bubbler, we call them water fountains.
