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Tuesday 8 August 2017

Top Posts Ever

Ten Years and 3304 Posts ago i sat down and began Falling On A Bruise, a blog mulling over things going on in the World.
Some posts sink without a trace and some seem to hit home so here are the 21 most viewed posts out of all that i have posted.

Anders Behring Breivik       
Brits Doing American Accents, And Failing
Frank Carson And Linda Nolan Mystery Solved         
Magic Spells
Marxism In A Nutshell
Michael Moore: Guardian Angel 
Nicotine Fuelled Nightmares
Paralympic Viewing Figures   
Proof That Nicholas Cage is One Of The Undead  
Quitting Smoking With E-Cigarettes  
Solving The Piigs Crisis
Thatcher Jokes 
That's A Shame
The Lost Copenhagen Post     
Tony Nicholson: The Right Decision
Whinging Pom Eggs               
Why is It Raining So Much In UK This Summer?       
Why Nobody Believes John Terry
World Turning Vegetarian   
Zombie Conspiracy                       

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