FOAB Information

Thursday 30 November 2017

No Surprises From The Fascist And Racist President

He wasn't welcome and he cried off because he knew the British were planning to protest against him being here but President Trump and his wandering little hands won't be turning up anytime soon as he burnished his fascist credentials once again by retweeting videos from the ultra right-wing 'Britain First'.
The controversies of the Trump presidency has already put paid to plans for the procession up the Mall and a state banquet amid warnings of mass protests on the streets and almost 2 million Brits signed a petition this year demanding that the President be prevented from making a state visit to the UK.
It has already been delayed, with the President telling the Prime Minister he didn't want to come until the British public supported his coming which as good as meant he would never be over and one government source saying today that it had been kicked into the long grass and the grass was as long as the grass can get.
Quizzed about the tweets by the man supported by white supremacist groups, Theresa May said: 'I'm very clear that retweeting from Britain First was the wrong thing to do' which the man who kept a book of Hitler's speeches on his bedside table replied: 'Don't focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place with the United Kingdom. We are doing fine!'
Brendan Cox, the husband of Jo Cox who was murdered by a Britain First supporter, tweeted the perfect reply to the right-wing nutjob: 'You have a mass shooting every single day in your country, your murder rate is many times that of the UK, your healthcare system is a disgrace, you can’t pass anything through a congress that you control. I would focus on that.'
The three videos purported to shows attacks by Muslim migrants have since been revealed to be as fake as his tan with the first showing a Muslim migrant attacking a young Dutch man on crutches. However, a spokesperson from the Dutch Public Prosecution Service said that the person arrested for the attack was born and raised in the Netherlands and was not a migrant.
The second video retweeted by Mr Trump shows a man smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary and was from 2013 and took place in Syria.
The third video originates from the riots that took place in Egypt in 2013, and shows a man being pushed from the top of a building in Alexandria. In 2015, those involved in the incident were prosecuted, and one man was executed.
To be fair the bar is set very low for Donald Trump and giving his approval to a fascist, right wing group is not that unexpected as his racist views are already well known and well received by his simpleton supporters.

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