FOAB Information

Sunday 31 December 2017

2017 Predictions: The Results

The problem with making predictions is that smart-arse bloggers take note and go back and check them 12 months later and mock them when they don't come true so credit to Psychic Nikki for publishing her predictions and to hell with those irritatingly smug British bloggers.
Reviewing Canadian Psychic Nikki's top 20 predictions for 2017 she does receive a smiley gold star for predicting a terror attack in Stockholm, Sweden but the other 19 were a bit off.    

No kidnapping around the Trump family
The moon did not turn green       
Leaning tower of Piza didn't collapse   
Cuba never become the 51st US State
No fire at the Houses of Parliament
No explosion with many deaths on Wall Street
A meteor didn't hit San Francisco  
No member of the Royal Family was kidnapped
A robot never broke into the White House 
Iran and the US never attacked each other
The Golden Gate Bridge wasn't destroyed
UFO never landed at Lake Erie
No bomb blast at Buckingham Palace
Squirrels did not attack people worldwide
A beloved male singer didn't turn out to be a woman
No change in the British Monarchy
No bomb blast at 10 Downing Street
A plane did not fly into the Eiffel Tower
Kim Jong Un never vanished

1 out of 20 is not great but Nikki is an audient clairvoyant meaning she 'hears' things so we could put it down to her having a build up of wax that day so hopefully she can cram an earbud in her ear beforehand this time and do rather better with the 2018 predictions.

1 comment:

  1. I know all of them and could probably name the state they are in for about a third but as for pointing them out on a map or even if they are on the coast, nope but then I'm further away then him.
