FOAB Information

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Cheer Up Haley!!

The US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, is not a smiley person although it was reported that she did smile once in 1997 but it was dismissed as probably wind.
To be fair to the grim faced ambassador though, she is doing the work for America at a time when America's star has fallen so dramatically thanks to the man whose actions she is attempting to defend, Donald Trump.
Following her embarrassing 14-1 defeat yesterday at the UN Security Council when the withdrawal of the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was backed by every council member except the US, forcing it to wield it's veto for the 43rd time in defence of Israel, it will now go to the 193-member UN General Assembly which has no vetoes to vote on to declare the US move null and void.
Haley, has threatened UN members she will be taking names of countries that vote to reject Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in a great bit of childish, playground bullying any non-Democracy would be proud of.
Despite America treating the World like it is an eight year old child who it will tell on if it doesn't play nice, the vote is expected to easily glide through with more than the 129 out of the 193 voting nations required to reject the American proposal which won't improve the mood of grumpy Haley or her mentally deficient boss and his supporters.
There are dozens of UN resolutions calling on Israel to withdraw from territory seized during the 1967 war and just last week the General Assembly voted 176-7 to affirm the Palestinian right to self-determination, suggesting the level of support the draft resolution could potentially command on Thursday.
Israel and America don't have many friends at the moment as they are about to find out.


  1. Never had a US Ambassador making such cringe worthy, school-ground threats before and George W Bush aside, never had such an embarrassing US President either.

  2. Jimmy Carter was before my time but Bill Clinton was embarrassing but in another way to Trump. I always said less US (and UK) involvement in the World is not a bad thing.
